About Naomi Mechem-Miller
Naomi Mechem-Miller (they/them) is a non-binary makeup artist from Seattle, WA. They love all things horror, fantasy, and science fiction, with my favorite genre being horror comedy. Naomi attended the Art of Makeup School in Portland, OR and completed two years education at Sarah Lawrence College in New York. They are currently living in Bothell, WA and is willing to travel for work.
Naomi is a member and co-owner of Real Fiction Studios, a special effects studio located in Bothell. RFS specializes in practical effects, blood squibs, props, costumes, prosthetics, and other fun things that will increase your production value.
Naomi is fully vaccinated and boostered for COVID-19 and is happy to wear a mask on set, especially while actively working on an actor or model. They clean and sanitize all components of their makeup kit, including creams, powders, and brushes, as well as prevent cross contamination between actors or models while using any products. For questions, concerns, or more specific details on safety and hygiene practices, feel free to contact them.
Contact Naomi via email or phone for rates, consultations, and scheduling for film and photography.
naomi.mechemmiller@gmail.com | (206) 458-8333